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Power of Ten Leadership Program

May 24, 2024

The Power of Ten (P10) is a program that WSVMA runs annually to help mentor relatively recent DVMs as they are starting to find their way in Vet Med.  The program includes four in person days over the year that focus on Leadership, Communication, and Advocacy skills.  The P10 group also prioritizes other topics that they wish to learn about and undertake a project aimed at producing resources for the Vet Med community. The 2024 P10 cohort has committed to writing a series of blog posts to share some of their most important learnings as they moved into practice.

The 2024 Cohort met most recently this week and received a briefing from Dr. Ben Smith, the Assistant State Veterinarian.  Dr. Smith provided an overview of the Mission of the State Vet’s Office, shared information on key staff and their regions/specialties, summarized the Office’s core programs and current priorities.  Dr. Smith also shared the reportable diseases that the Office monitors and walked the P10 participants through the process of filing a reportable illness report.  One link that Dr. Smith shared that was very helpful was the Interstate Animal Movement Requirements website.  This website provides all the information/requirements needed when moving animals interstate. 

Dr. Smith also shared the update on reportable diseases in WA, with Strangles, Heartworm and Equine Influenza being the top three most reported diseases in 2023.  Dr. Smith rounded off his presentation with an HPAI update, noting both the impact on Lactating Cattle, Bird Flocks and other mammalian species.

Anyone interested in the 2024/25 Class of P10 should contact Ken Gordon, [email protected] who will be happy to discuss the program with you.

P10 is completely free for participants.